Short Book Meme

I swear to god, I'm almost finished with the book I'm reading. In the meantime, here's a book meme:

SHORTEST BOOK I'VE READ: Shopgirl by Steve Martin. Yes, THAT Steve Martin. He also turned it into a movie starring him and Clare Danes, remember that? It was actually pretty good.

LONGEST BOOK I'VE READ: It's a toss-up between The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, and The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber.

BOOK I'VE READ THE FASTEST: Got to be the latest John Grisham (The Appeal) which took me about 48 hours, although back in my high school/college days I plowed through those Harlequin novels in less than a day.

BOOK I'VE READ THE SLOWEST: Hmmmm...not counting textbooks? I would say my current read, Countdown by Michelle Maddox. But only because I haven't had the time to read lately!

I now tag my co-bloggers Hazel and Alissa.