"You're a Third, turd. You have no rights."

Hi everyone, I'm Alissa and I lack both a catchy intro and an awesome blog to refer to. I once had a blog where you could have gotten to know my former angsty teenage self, but that was destroyed eons ago (the blog that is, sometimes I still get flashbacks of the teenage angst). So you'll just have to settle for this intro post.

I'm a big reader, and always have been. I purposely carry large purses so I can always stash a book. My general taste is that of the absolute truth or the absolute unbelievable. Which breaks down into memoirs and fantasy/sci fi. But when it comes down to it, I'll read just about anything.

Currently reading: I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb. This book falls neither into the memoir or fantasy/sci fi genres and it's also something my bookclub picked out. I'm halfway through, so the review will have to wait.

Favorite book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It contains the line of dialogue that serves as the title of this post.

Last read: The Lazarus Project by Aleksander Hemon

Next to Read: Stardust by Neil Gaiman

Have to Defend: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Twilight and Eclipse were my favorites of the four books. Twilight because it introduced the world. Eclipse because Bella started to grow up and there was actually a thrill of action from start to finish. And while I recognized the immaturity of Jacob, I appreciated his insistence of Bella making her own (informed) decisions. Plus Jacob rode a motorcycle, which is a pretty good reason for me not to hate him. As for Edward, I was not crazy about his controlling nature, which was painted as "protective." I was much happier with the Edward once he let up on Bella. Oh and then once RPattz was cast in the role. That didn't hurt.


Karmela said...

Good god. Not another Twilight lover. I might have to post twice in one day just to move all these Twilight-loving posts down the page.

Alissa said...

Until the movie comes out I'll do my best to keep my mouth shut on Twilight. :)

Hazel Designs said...

No Twilight disparages allowed! I'm looking at YOU, Karmela!

Hazel Designs said...

I've been wanting to read Stardust for a while now. I hear it is pretty good.

Karmela said...

A -- thank you, dahling. Much appreciated.

H -- If you keep your piehole shut about The Series That Cannot Be Named, then I'll stop the disparageemnt. Otherwise, it's free game, baby!