Karmela's In the Hizzouse!

Okay, Karmela here reporting for book review duty. I actually haven't finished the book I want to review (Michelle Maddox's Countdown), but I just had to post SOMETHING just to get the obnoxious multi-cover jpg images of the *coughvomit* Twilight saga off the top of this blog. Since I haven't finished the book yet, I figured I could introduce myself which is a totally legit order of business.

Let's see...this is my fourth blog. I'm also here, here and here. In the real world I'm a marketing exec in the beleaguered mortgage finance industry, but in the Matrix I'm a writer of kickass novels and a dancer of uncommon virtuosity.

The books I will be reviewing will be totally different than the vomitous selection of my co-bloggers, which will mainly focus on genre novels with tons of sex and violence and shit blowing up. There might be a time when I actually review the exact same book as my co-bloggers will, but only to violently disagree with them. You, dear reader(s), are of course free to weigh in on your opinion. But I promise I won't be reviewing any self-important literary works of fiction, any Oprah book club selections, any books with an unhappy ending, any stories with a wimpy heroine who gets saved by the übermasculine hero, or anything with pedophilia (e.g., see previous Twilight entries) unless of course the pedophiliac is the bad guy who will die a horrific death via a million nasty little cuts with a razor blade. Yes, I watch Law & Order: SVU.